On the 13th of Zulkaedah 1429 / 12 November 2008 the function mentioned was held at Multipurpose hall, Keriam Primary school, Tutong 1.
The ceremony began with the recitation of "surah Al-fatihah" by Ustaz Marhawe bin Haji Idris.
followed by a welcoming speech by PPKDT1 Cikgu Awang Junit bin Hj Mohamad.
The SPN21 Talk was Presented by Our "Timbalan Setiausaha Tetap (HE)" Awang Haji Suhaila bin Haji Abdul Karim himself accompanied by our PPKDT1.
Then the ceremony ended with some refreshments.
Cikgu Terengganu and Cikgu Sambut
Awang Haji Suhaila bin Haji Abd Karim explaining about the SPN21
Cikgu Maaruf (spotted)
the talk in action.
meeting with the Headmasters of Tutong Primary schools
more pictures from our PPKDT2 Cikgu Kani Bin Abdullah >>>click Here<<<
The Great Debate 2018
Inviting all Sixth form centres in Brunei Darussalam to participate in the
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the 2...
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